>Ian Dawson

>Group Exhibition: Patternicity, ASC Gallery London 26th March - 23rd April and Exeter Phoenix Galleries 30th April - 26th June 2022
Curated by Christina Niederberger and John Walter

>Group Exhibition: Patternicity, ASC Gallery London 26th March - 23rd April and Exeter Phoenix Galleries 30th April - 26th June 2022
Curated by Christina Niederberger and John Walter

Karl Bielik, Anna Brass, Bernard Cohen, Ian Dawson, Clare Dudeney, Stephen Farthing, Sheila Hicks, Edward Kay, David Mabb, Livia Marin, Christina Niederberger, Alicia Paz, Isabel Richert, Koen Taselaar, Diana Taylor, Adia Wahid, John Walter, Toby Ziegler

‘Patternicity' is an exhibition of painting, textiles and sculpture by a diverse group of contemporary artists whose works explore the nature of patterns. Depending on context patterns are categorised as decoration, as models and guides, as reliable and repetitive samples and traits, or as established modes of behaviour and beliefs. The title ‘Patternicity' refers to Michael Shermer’s observation of a tendency to perceive and seek for patterns in meaningless noise due to the way the human brain is wired. The artists in ‘Patternicity' break existing systems in order to establish new patterns. They are using pattern recognition techniques to disrupt familiarity and expand cultural space.

Exhibited work: C328remix, 2022, 3d printed PLA, 170x100x100cm